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Gymnasium Papenburg: Portrait

Founded in 1869 Gymnasium Papenburg (short name: GymPap) is a grammar school (BRIT) / high school (AM) in the city of Papenburg. The school teaches 18 subjects, including English, Latin, French and Spanish. There is a student laboratory in the Russellstreet building.


School Profile

Statements of strategic intent

The three most important factors which our school is dedicated to:

  1. educating our students to become socially responsible individuals
  2. encouraging our students to develop their skills in all fields
  3. cooperating with cultural and economical instituations of the region

These are the educational goals of our school.

Main article: Schulprogramm

European School

Europe is a central theme in teaching. Our school offers students the opportunity to participate in exchanges with other countries and to study quite a number of foreign languages: English, French, Spanish and Latin. As a result, Gymnasium Papenburg was awarded the title of being one of the European Schools in Lower Saxony.

Main article: Europaschule


In connection with the subjects science, technology and mathematics, Gymnasium Papenburg has got a profile class and a student laboratory. Our school is one of the schools belonging to the national Excellence School Network MINT-EC.

Main article: MINT

Music Practice

Students in 5th and 6th grade are given the opportunity to learn an instrument. There are wind, string and keyboard classes.

Main article: Musik

Full-day school

Gymnasium Papenburg is a full-day school. The school provides many extracurricular activities. It nurtures talents and cooperates with other schools. The students have got the opportunity of taking part in many competitions. There is a canteen for lunch.

Main article: AG-Bereich

Digital Education

Media literacy is an important aspect at school. The handling of different programs is taught. Our media scouts help our students to solve problems. In all rooms there is a beamer, a computer and a document camera to support the use of media in class.

Main article: Apps



The school supports students in their transition from primary school to grammar school (BRIT) / high school (AM) and beyond. Class mentors and the days spent together in Sögel help in this respect. An active student representation (SV) and counseling teachers are ready to help with problems. The school offers courses in the afternoon to help students to develop their spelling skills.

Main article: Schulanmeldung

When choosing a profession or a specific course of study, the school helps its students. For this purpose, students have got the possibility of working in a company for two weeks in year 11 and there are various workshops for them to inform themselves.

Main article: Berufs- und Studienorientierung


Senior School

When the students have successfully completed 10th grade, they can attend our senior school. After thirteen school years, they take the Abitur examinations (A-levels). It is our aim to help students acquire general qualifications for university entrance.

Main article: Oberstufe


History of the School

Gymnasium Papenburg emerged from a former private school. In 1869 this school developed into a public and municipal school. Hermann Brandi was chosen to be its first headmaster. 142 students attended the school in 1877.

In 1907 the school was transformed into the municipal Realgymnasium. Dr. Hans Nolte was the first headmaster of the Realgymnasium. A building on the main canal served as the school building. In 1910 the number of students reached its highest point with 248 students.

Since 1957 the school has been called Gymnasium Papenburg. Two years later it moved to the new building in Russellstreet. As time went by, the number of students increased up to 1000.

Gymnasium Papenburg became a training school in 1996 and has always been a pioneer in digital education. In 2014 a project with tablets was carried out for the first time. Gymnasium Papenburg celebrated its 150th anniversary in 2019.

Main article: Chronik


Responsible for the translation: Jochen Weisenburger


Gymnasium Papenburg

Type of schoolGymnasium
Federal stateLower Saxony
School boardDistrict of Emsland
Studentsca. 1200
Teachersca. 110
HeadmasterTheo Hockmann